How to treat varicose veins: best tools

Varicose veins are there any other people after 40. Just some expression of the strongly swollen veins with the others but just occasionally the pain and fatigue in the legs. To treat the disease is necessary at every stage of this leakage, to avoid complications. We look at how to treat varicose veins varicose veins on the legs of human resources, also using the medication and external resources.

how to treat varicose veins

The operative treatment of varicose veins of the

We start with the most categorical ways, in order to understand that better not to repeat to do before that. Then we can know how to treat varicose veins ven without surgery.

Operative intervention is used in the final stages, or if other methods will not work.

The removal of blood from

Means (in the vein or puncture the aim of the date a certain number in the blood (up to 300 ml). This allows you to run the backup mechanisms of blood flow. After excision with veins, it is also possible to enter into it medication.

Times is sometimes used leeches. They don't just suck blood, but the parallel injected into a vein of a substance, which increases the therapeutic effect of the procedure.


Partly to treat varicose veins in the leg can be and using a phlebectomy. This is surgery to remove the damaged vein. As a result of such intervention has achieved an excellent cosmetic effect: feet become smooth, without any bulging of the blood vessels. The therapeutic benefits also, be sure to have: the blood supply is restored.

Phlebectomy can done surgically, if the hit way literally pulled the overall blood flow to crochet. The second method – using a laser. The vein is injected into the laser light guide under the influence of which the walls meet and fuse. Way stops working.

Conservative treatment of varicose veins of the

However, most of the people feel of interest, is it possible to cure varicose veins without surgery. Yes, perhaps, but only if a timely approach. To treat varicose is necessary to consistently and in an integrated way, using multiple types of treatment.

Medical treatment

Or tablettravi. The so-called tablets from varicose veins does not exist. But there are medications that can increase vein tone, strengthen the walls, relieve the inflammation and if you thin the blood. Modern and effective medicinal products are excreted in the:

  • Anticoagulants.
  • Decongestants.
  • Aggregation inhibitors.
  • Remove skin hyperpigmentation.
  • Antioxidants.

Medications must be registered with doctor or vascular surgeon in the composition of the integrated treatment. Because only taking tablets will not let treat your feet varicose. It is necessary to use also other options.

Outside methods to combat your varicose veins by

There are several ways that you can combine or alternate.

Compression knitwear

Wearing a special golf or hosiery, which are different areas of the feet varies the pressure, which allows not only to prevent, swelling and fatigue, but also improve the function of the veins. To wear such a cast is not painful, it does not cause discomfort. The problem is the right choice for the compression ratio. It is desirable that its the doctor, because it depends on the severity of the leaking veins.

How to treat varicose veins, just wearing the stockings? First of all, you need to do it on a regular basis, begun to cast in the morning and off in the evening. This is very useful, especially for those who are sedentary or standing work. Second, to achieve the raised effect, you can wear a slimming hosiery under the ointment against varicose veins, which we talk about later. Packing the knitwear may be worn both women and men. The latter is issued by the special socks and stockings are black color, therefore they do not distinguish usual clothes.

Ointment and cream against varicose veins of

This is an excellent assisting treatment method. Wear a special ointment you can overnight, so also under compression knitwear.

Thanks to the external resources, it is possible to achieve the following results:

ointments from varicose veins
  1. to reduce the pain in the legs;
  2. the level of decline of swelling;
  3. improving valve system;
  4. tone improvement in the veins and the walls;
  5. to restore the blood supply;
  6. to avoid the complications.

The comments indicate the impact of using ointments only with any of the tablets and wearing a compression stocking. If the same smear feet and more something not to do – the outcome is not. Although, when it comes to the prevention of varicose veins, then ointments are perfectly adequate.

Massage and contrast shower

Now on how to treat varicose veins in legs at home. Those who suffer from varicose veins by, should add to its agenda two procedures: a cool shower (striping cool and warm water) and foot massage. The latter can be attributed to the rubbing of ointments, or the use of a special massage ball.

Massage and contrast shower, that will help to improve blood flow. Also it promotes the absorption of small blood clots, which later will no longer develop tight blockage to the blood vessels.

Traditional methods vs veenilaiendidtion expansion

Can try to treat varicose veins of human resources. But such a possibility should be discussed with your doctor and also use the complex. We represent a number of recipes log HLS.

The leaves of burdock

Dial burdock in the woods or in the park. House rinse them in running water. Pre wrap feet in one layer with a sterile bandage. Then add a couple of pages aux side hot kettle for a few seconds. Add warm fan leaves feet at night. Use is every other day for 2 weeks. Helps pain and swelling.

Apple cider vinegar

If your feet are venous ulcers and other lesions, can rub them with apple cider vinegar at night. Already a month later, the daily friction nodes to solve, feet become visually more beautiful and smooth. If there are no problems of the stomach and intestines, apple cider vinegar may drink. 1 tbsp diluted klaasitäies in water, add honey and drink half an hour before breakfast.


Need 100 g of ground spices. Powder, pour in 0.5 liters of vodka and leave in a dark container for 10 days. Each day needs to be shaken bottles (the bank). After this tool is filtered and used 20 drops before meals. The applicant can be up to full ago.

Where is best to treat varicose veins

Is it possible to cure varicose veins at home? This question comes up people who do not have the time, the hospital, yes, and it is precisely those who do not like hospitals. Home treatment is quite possible; if that person can continue to go to work. But to select and fix all of the procedure must still doctor (is angiolo of residence). He will schedule visits to the patient, that monitor the dynamics of the disease.

Particularly severe cases of varicose veins may be treated in the clinic, a separate vascular surgery. If such a branch is not, the patient may be put on the usual treatment is surgical. Time, in this case, a set of injections (diuretics to remove edema), droppers (cleaning and blood thinners), pill. If within a certain time period improvement is observed, the doctor may put the issue of the need for phlebectomy or other types of rapid intervention.

Quickly to treat varicose veins does not work or the hospital or at home. Even after the removal of the damaged vein is obliged to follow the prevention, in order to maintain the result.

How to avoid varicose veins the

Important question: is it possible to cure varicose veins forever? Yes, if after eliminating all the symptoms to follow simple prevention measures.

  • Continue to wear a compression cast (at least a few days a week).
  • Years to drink 1-2 treatment courses of the tablets to maintain the state of the veins of normal.
  • Move more, make massage or self-massage, do not forget the contrast in the soul.
  • Try to avoid very high heels and socks with tight children.
treatment of varicose veins

Prevention of varicose veins is simple; the important thing is this – the frequency. If ignore all the procedures, varicose veins expansion may begin again. And his again to be treated. And treatment of diseases – it is always more tiring than its prevention.